Last Published: 12/05/2006 09:41:11

TRAFXS Systems - Movement Recording and Processing

Movement Recording and Processing

TRAFXS Movement Recording and Processing

Inventory movement may be recorded manually, or directly from multiple user-defined sources, one of which may be Petroex transmissions. Other transaction sources which automatically transmit movement information include automated loading racks and terminals.
A cross-reference file of access codes (consignee numbers) automatically locates the contract against which the movement takes place, as well as the exchange source (if any).
Up to 35 validity checks are performed upon receipt of a transaction, including data integrity, customer and contract accuracy, and credit worthiness. Invalid transactions are extracted for examination, allowing the remaining movements to be billed at the earliest opportunity.

Transaction Types Supported

  • Direct sale from wet or exchange inventory
  • Exchange delivery from wet or exchange inventory
  • Pipeline and truck transfers
  • Purchases or exchange receipts into wet inventory
  • Product, volume, price, tax, or freight adjustments
  • Outright reversal of a previously-billed invoice
  • Exchange settlements

Additional Features

  • Listing and validation of externally-supplied inventory movement information. Each incoming batch produces an audit list, which may be certified against control totals supplied.
  • Automatic conversion of external location and product codes, for instance Petroex-supplied SPLC and commodity identifiers, to standard, internally-used values.
  • Inquiry upon externally-supplied transactions even before invoicing takes place.
  • Configurable cut-off times for each individual terminal.
  • Flexible addition of external movement recording information sources.
  • Efficient transaction entry and editing procedures, including automatic prompts for transaction type-specific fields in pop-up windows.
  • Transaction logs produced for all batches, clearly listing error codes, warning indicators, and duplicate transactions.